Anyway, today was the day, and I happily planned out my route. I got dressed in running clothes, and laced up. I grabbed my Garmin and when I started to strap it on, it wouldn't turn on.
I traced to cord back to the computer, and of course it was unplugged.
Now I'm not blaming anyone in particular, but there are two little monsters under 5' tall, that have in the past week hidden my glasses, my everyday watch (under the bed of course, because it glows in the dark!), and the remote shutter release for my dSLR. But I'm not one to point fingers.
So I did what any self-respecting runner would do. I started cussing.
A lot.
Then grabbed my phone, and went for a run anyway using my trusty iPhone and RunKeeper app.
It was a good run, and I enjoyed it. The temperature was balmy, the breeze was perfect. And a 5k slipped past under my feet.
And now here I sit blogging about it, and the Garmin lies next to me. Mocking me with its 100% charge plastered boldly across its face. I've seen less smirk on my 14 year old daughter's face.
Mr. Garmin, we are not off on the best foot here.