17 minutes at 5 mph on the treadmill. Please don't laugh at my small time and turtle pace--it's only my 2nd week back running.
I didn't feel particularly good when I started running, and I knew I was in trouble when I looked down for my first time check and realized I had only been running for 2 minutes. I suspect that my body is beginning to understand that I'm serious about the nutrition/running thing this time around, and has decided to pitch a tantrum in its bid to remain lazily corpulent.
"But that's OK, good sir. I will drag your screaming, whiny ass from here into next week for next week's runs. You may try and make this difficult for me, but I will prevail. And believe you me, as the pounds fall away, have no doubt that I will be pushing you. So you may as well just get on board, buster."
Such was the pep talk I gave myself as I pushed through and completed my time.
Of course I started at 15 minutes two weeks ago, and 17 minutes was my gradual increase for this past week. This coming week I'll move to 19 minutes. Once I reach 30 minutes straight, I will then start increasing my speed gradually, by 0.2 mph/week until I reach 6 mph. Then begin again slowly increasing the time. At some point I hope to be doing enough treadmill work that I can transition to running outdoors some as well. But I don't know when that will be.
It's slower than I'd like to advance, but I am determined to make this stick this time around.
And I am positive this early foundation will be critical to success.
At this point I deeply dislike running, but I love the feeling afterward.
And I'm loving the results on the scale of the combination of nutrition and exercise programs.